United Methodists are…
A group of diverse opinions and theologies, brought together in local churches where we are challenged to put love into action and live our faith. Our Christian faith is grounded in the love and grace of God, experienced through Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are involved in people’s lives and with political and social struggles in our community and throughout the world as we seek to remain faithful to a gospel that continues to call us to personal and social piety. We invite you to join us at the First United Methodist Church of Salinas as we seek to live out our vision: Claimed by Christ, we nourish body and spirit in the sharing of God’s love.
Church is a way of life—not an hour on Sunday morning!
Whether we are worshiping together, preparing weekday lunch for our neighbors who live outdoors, gathering for a mid-day or evening Bible study, enjoying our annual Tongan Luau, participating in one of our many United Methodist Women’s activities or Circles, gleaning local fields for the food bank, challenging ourselves with a brain fitness class, sharing our voices in the choir, coming together with other local United Methodist Churches or simply creating an altar for a special occasion like All Saints Day, we seek to draw close to God, and each other.
You are welcome at everything we do!
We understand that each of us brings a variety of experiences and that we are all at very different places on our spiritual journeys. We will do our best to meet you wherever you are on your faith journey and make your time with us meaningful and relevant. Most of all, we want our church to be a safe place for you to explore and grow your faith.